You have probably heard of Jesus, even if you're not a Christian. The truth is, God, your Heavenly Father, loves you and longs to have a personal relationship with you through His son Jesus. Because of sin (falling short of God's righteous standard), we are separated from God and are spiritually dead. However, God loves us so much that He provided a way for us to connect with Him by sending His Son, Jesus, who never sinned, to die in our place as payment for our sin. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world (that's you), that He gave His one and only Son (that's Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, (die spiritually), but have eternal life."
You can begin a personal relationship with God right now. Confess your sin to Him (agree with Him about your sin and your need for forgiveness), turn away from your sin and call on Him to forgive you of your sin and give you eternal life (a personal relationship with Him forever).
If you are ready to make this choice, you can express your belief and desire to Him by praying a prayer similar to this one:
"Dear God, I understand that I am a sinner, but I believe Jesus died for my sins. I now turn from my sins and turn to You for forgiveness of my sins and I accept Your free gift of eternal life through Jesus. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Thank You for my new life. From this day on, I choose to follow You and Your will for my life."
If you chose to begin a personal love relationship with God through His Son, Jesus, please share your decision with another believer. If you would like to talk with someone about how to have new life in Christ, call 803-593-5125.
Hillview Church
1974 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Graniteville, SC 29829
Mailing Address:
1910 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Graniteville, SC 29829
803-593-5125 (church)
803-392-7197 (daycare)
803-392-7060 (school)
Service Times:
LifeGroups for All Ages - 8:45am
Worship & KidzView Worship - 10:00am
Family Meals - 5:30pm
Discipleship Studies - 6:30pm
Student / Children Activities - 6:30pm